Women of the Moon

Monthly Moon Ritual Membership serving the Northern Arizona Community

"Beautiful. It is a breath of fresh air in the mountains to have gatherings like these."
—Jeanelle, Women of the Moon Participant

Women of the Moon Membership
Every month
Every 3 months

As a member, you gain access to a wealth of Moon Ritual resources and exclusive online content in addition to two moon rituals each month.

✓ New & Full Moon Rituals (2 hours each)
✓ Pre-recorded practices that follow monthly themes
✓ Unique integration prompts and invitations between rituals
✓ Online Q&A opportunities with your guide
✓ Access to the community chat (What'sApp)

This is your sacred space to step out of the productivity-focused, fast-paced and high-pressure dominant culture. This is your sacred space to step into sensuality, depth, permission, gentleness, and connection.

These events welcome all women (including cis women, trans women, and women-identifying individuals) and gender non-conforming people who are comfortable in a space that centers the experiences of women and the feminine aspects of the self.

Community Connection

As a member of Women of the Moon, you are a member of an intentional and supportive affinity space. You are a part of a community, and a web of support.

In addition to community connection, you will also receive facilitator support through our monthly Q & A Integration Session.

Members Only Practices, Invitations, and Integration Support

We go beyond Moon Ritual Facilitation. We are here to support you in your becoming.

Each month, daily practices, recorded content, and thematic invitations will be offered to support your journey.

New & Full Moon Rituals

Each New & Full Moon, we gather to to deeply connect with Nature, each other, and the inner feminine. These rituals are nourishing and grounding, while offering clarity and insight.

Drop into the body and and your deep well of creativity as you are guided through a journey toward resonance with nature's rhythms, and your own inner wisdom. 

What Makes Women of the Moon Different

This container is thematically guided by nature and the seasonal changes happening around us. Each New Moon, we go inward to listen deeply to the deep imagination. Each Full Moon, we shift toward somatic embodiment and movement, discovering the wisdom of the body. Each gathering includes an opportunity to participate in group sharing.

Throughout the cycle of the year, we also spiral through monthly themes that build upon one another. Ultimately, the themes are designed to guide participants through the cycle of creative becoming: choosing the life that you truly desire, one that is soul-centric and earth-rooted. This is why consistency through a monthly membership is encouraged; while one moon ritual can be powerful, the true medicine is in the returning, over and over, to the well of wisdom in nature and within ourselves to ask the deeper questions. As we journey together, over time you will notice threads of consistency beginning to emerge for you. As you follow them, you will find yourself walking the path of soul. Not to arrive at the destination and check it off your to-do list, but to be in an ever-unfolding courtship with your authenticity and creative self-expression.

Wild Wayfarer's moon rituals stand out because these events are approached as a lifelong journey of self-actualization that is mirrored by Nature & her rhythms.

"Jacqueline’s moon circles are intentional, comforting, inspirational and moving! I always feel more full and connected not only to the women in the community, but also to the earth after attending her spaces! Jacqueline is thoughtful, wise, kind and supportive. She is truly gifted at leading these spaces and connects people like I’ve never seen before. I would recommend this gathering to everyone!! It is a wonderful space to reconnect, slow down, meditate, connect with others, yourself and the seasons."
—Jessie, Women of the Moon participant

Why Moon Ritual & Affinity Spaces are Important

Ritual can be defined as rhythmically returning to a practice. Life is constantly cycling and pulsating, rhythmically moving through birth, life, death and rebirth. As living human beings we are tethered to these cycles in nature, yet pulled into the numbing disconnect of modernity.

Moon rituals are a simple and beautiful way to attune oneself with the cycles that we are so deeply linked to. The moon affects us all—just like it affects the ocean tides—whether we are aware of it or not. Bringing awareness and intention into our relationship with the moon allows us to find more balance in life, as we move through our own seasons and cycles.

This space is specifically intended for women because offering affinity spaces creates a safe container to share, listen, and move with more vulnerably. Affinity spaces for women are also an act of resistance to patriarchal constructs that can silence individuals with implicit or invisible barriers. There is tremendous power in coming together in a world that does not always support these experiences.

In a culture that values the energy of the masculine over the feminine, Women of the Moon draws attention to the yin present in all of life, so that we may embrace that side of ourselves, too.

What’s included?

Women of the Moon is a holistic program. We have gone beyond Women’s Circles to create consistent, sacred, deep, and earth-rooted moon ritual containers while also offering ongoing support throughout the moon cycle to truly integrate what arises for each individual.

We are here to facilitate your authentic becoming, not just peak experiences.

  • As a member of Women of the Moon, you are a member of an intentional and supportive affinity space. You are a part of a community, and a web of support.

    This space is specifically intended to be a safe container to share, listen, and move with more vulnerably. There is tremendous power in coming together in a world that (historically and presently, in some places) does not support these experiences. In a culture that values yang over yin, Women of the Moon draws attention to the yin present in all of life, so that we may embrace that side of ourselves, too.

  • This container is thematically guided by nature and the seasonal changes happening around us. Each New Moon, we go inward to listen deeply through imagination meditation. Each Full Moon, we shift toward embodiment.

    Each gathering includes an opportunity to participate in group sharing. While there is some cerebral teaching and conversation involved, these rituals are designed specifically to drop us out of the mind and into the body & imagination. These rituals create space for the quieter, more subtle parts of the Self to arise.

    Moon rituals are a simple and beautiful way to attune oneself with the cycles that we are so deeply linked to. The moon affects us all—just like it affects the ocean tides—whether we are aware of it or not. Bringing awareness and intention into our relationship with the moon allows us to find more balance in life, as we move through our own seasons and cycles.

  • The real transformation happens when we incorporate the wisdom & insight from ritual into the day-to-day.

    We are here to support you in your becoming. Each month, daily practices, recorded content, and thematic invitations will be offered to support your journey.

    This is how you tend your relationship with the deeper themes & questions, so that you can actively decide how you want to live your most authentic life.


Flagstaff, AZ

Specific location varies depending on the season. When the weather permits, we gather outside in Nature. In the colder months, we gather indoors. Specific locations & directions will be shared in the member portal. Occasionally, moon ritual will be held remotely via Zoom.


Each Full & New Moon,
Winter: 6 pm—8 pm
Summer: 7 pm—9 pm

If you are unable to make it to the in-person ritual, don’t worry! Integration content and recorded practices will be available in the online member portal, so you still get to steep in the themes.


Limited to 15 participants per ritual

To create an intimate and potent experience for all, in-person rituals are limited to just 15 participants. This ensures that there is time for group sharing and space for vulnerability and connection.


  • Both! Each moon cycle, you will be invited to join two moon rituals in Flagstaff, AZ. In some cases we may gather virtually via Zoom. You will also receive invitations, practices and prompts through the online portal to offer seasonal guidance and help with integration.

  • Yes! Women is open to ALL women of all colors, including cis women, trans women, and woman-identified individuals. Women of the Moon is also open to non-binary or gender non-conforming folks who feel comfortable in and interested in a space that centers around the feminine aspects of the self.

    We believe that trans and genderqueer folks offer a valuable perspectives to these spaces. If you love and live by the moon, if you feel the call to heal and work with the feminine in a deep and meaningful way, then you are welcome here.

  • We all have busy and diverse schedules! The Women of the Moon membership is designed to offer you consistency and support, even when you cannot make it to every event.

    While you will get the most out of this program by attending each ritual, the beauty of this membership space is that you can still steep in the monthly themes, practices, invitations, and community connection. The membership format ensures that if you miss a ritual, you will not fall out of the ritual rhythm.

  • For the time being, drop-ins are still available for purchase.

    For many years, Wild Wayfarer Moon Rituals were exclusively drop-in events. However, ritual is meant to be repetitious. In the years that I have been a facilitator, it has become clear that while a one-off ritual can be incredibly healing and grounding, the real medicine is in consistency.

    That is why in 2024 I transitioned Women of the Moon to a membership program. I invite you to try one full month—you can cancel or freeze your membership at any time.

Jacqueline is a natural facilitator and space holder. From the moment I walked into the space, I felt immediately safe and ready to dive deeper into myself and open my heart to everyone in the circle. The entire process of the ritual was beautiful, from deep imagination meditation to sharing deep realities within our heart and soul. If you are craving sisterhood, diving deeper with the feminine, and wanting to be in ritual with nature, Jaqueline holds this space for you.
— Abi, Women of the Moon Participant
Women of the Moon Membership
Every month
Every 3 months

As a member, you gain access to a wealth of Moon Ritual resources and exclusive online content in addition to two moon rituals each month.

✓ New & Full Moon Rituals (2 hours each)
✓ Pre-recorded practices that follow monthly themes
✓ Unique integration prompts and invitations between rituals
✓ Online Q&A opportunities with your guide
✓ Access to the community chat (What'sApp)

Drop-In Rituals

Drop-In Rituals

Not ready to commit to the membership? You still can purchase a drop-in registration for any Women of the Moon rituals. However, you will not be able to access the online portal.