Courting the Wild Erotic

Exploring Eros as a Portal to our Expression, Pleasure, Creativity and Love

A three-month online journey culminating in a 4-day river retreat

2024 Enrollment is Closed.

The Experience

Deconstruct limiting stories and cultural norms to claim your sensuality and erotic expression on your own terms.​

Come home to Nature as a support system, a mirror, and our greatest teacher.

Gently and effectively work with the protective parts that block bliss, pleasure, wildness and creativity to unlock our full erotic and creative potential.

Return home to your sensuality, your body, and to the pleasure of being alive. 

Learn the art of receiving & reciprocity by exposing and exploring polarity and power dynamics.

Claim and clarify your desires and longings, flipping the story that one should make oneself “desirable.”

Connect with your turn-on & your erotic life force energy, and learn how to move it, expand it, love it, and allow it to enrich your life.

Deepen your relationship with your creative and imaginative self—your unique and soulful inner Genius—and experientially explore how Eros and Genius support each other to create a more fulfilling life.

The Outcome

Find liberation from religious dogma, limiting stories, and cultural conditioning surrounding your sensuality, creativity, and erotic nature.

Cultivate a greater sense of belonging in your body and to the Earth.

Develop tools you can use for the rest of your life to work through blocks, and reconnect with your wildness, creativity and eroticism.

Be deeply connected with pleasure as a birthright, as medicine, and as a pathway to your authenticity. 

Move through life with an increased capacity to receive pleasure and love.

Embody radical self-acceptance and embrace your desires. Be in a playful relationship with your desires and longings, seeing them ever-evolving elements of a road map leading you toward self-actualization.

Know how to access your internal pleasure pathways to erotic energy, inner wisdom, and creativity. 

Live a muse-directed, creative, expressive, present, and erotically liberated life.

The Journey

Courting the Wild Erotic is a journey into the energy of Eros as a portal to the pleasure of being alive, to our most authentic expressions, to the fullness of our love, and to the fountain of our creativity.

It is a place where Nature, the Erotic, and Creativity intersect and support each other.

“I adored the cohort, and I valued every single invitation. I really really looked forward to the sessions every week. They flowed so well and Jacqueline did a fabulous job facilitating really lovely grounding meditations before excellent discussions that always felt purposeful. Everything felt very tactful and real and supportive and fun.”
“This course changed my life! Jacqueline is such an incredible guide. She has so many resources and knows so much that she shared with us, and it left me in awe. Courting the Wild Erotic gave me so many tools to work with, and it has changed my relationships with myself, my husband, the people around me, and with nature. It is truly all-encompassing! You work on this one sexuality and creativity bit, the Wild Erotic, and EVERYTHING changes.”

This is for You.

You, who longs to liberate yourself from a suppressive upbringing that made you feel small or afraid to explore your sexuality fully.

You, who knows that there is more to your erotic life than what you are currently experiencing.

You, who knows that there is so much love and pleasure in the world, but you struggle to hold it.

You, who is searching for that wildly creative and expressive version of yourself.

You, who finds yourself time and again unable to connect with what you truly want.

You, who feels numb, unable to access your deeply sensual side that you know is there.

You, who yearns to access your orgasmic potential.

You, who longs to touch your creative potential.

You, creative one, who knows that there is a thread that connects your sexuality with your creative endeavors.

You, who has lost touch with a once wildly erotic and free version of yourself.

You, who sees that your sexuality is connected to so much more than just sex.

You, who feels the wind on your skin and knows that there is something bigger at play, and you want more.

The Modalities

  • Guided movement and embodiment invitations rooted in tantric, yogic, and feminine embodiment practices.

  • Self-pleasure invitations that allow you to explore the landscape of pleasure, desire and erotic life force energy within the body.

  • Deep imagination journeys that allow us to meet and work with the wild, creative and erotic parts of the Self, as well as our blockages that are holding us back.

  • Journaling exercises that go beyond prompt questions to expose the subconscious, alchemize emotions, and … the creative inner genius.

  • Recorded and written lessons to provide context and background for this experiential journey.

  • Grounding meditations and nature-based activities that provide the foundation and support needed to engage in deep self discovery and transformation.

  • Invitations to wander in nature with specific intentions, questions and exercises, providing healing, insight, wisdom from the land, and connection to your own wildness.

  • Tracking exercises with a beautiful mandala Eros Tracker to reflect on your unique relationship with the erotic.

  • Ceremony and ritual to facilitate deep transformation and integration.

  • Heart Council and Group Processing during live sessions that offer support, connection, and individualized care for your unique journey.

What’s Included

Online Content

4+ hours worth of weekly content made available between each live session.

Guided meditations, movement & embodiment practices, self-pleasure and creativity exercises, written and recorded lessons, nature-based invitations and activities, Eros Tracker mandala, journaling exercises, and daily practices.

Lifetime access to online course material & recorded live sessions.

Live Sessions

6 total live sessions (2 hours each) with your guide and cohort for processing and integration.

Opportunities for Heart Council, group processing, Q&A, and invitations that are tailored to the unique needs of the cohort.

A one-on-one session with your guide, where you can work together on specific blocks, receive an “erotic prescription” of recommendations, and receive reflections.


At the end of the journey, we will gather together in-person for a transformational and potent 4-day river trip retreat on the San Juan River.

Connect with community, immerse yourself in the wisdom of the river & landscape, and dance through a 4-day-long courtship with your wild erotic self.

This is where the magic really happens. Bring all the pieces of the journey together to fully embody your Wild Eros.

The Container

This is an intimate container, limited to just 10 participants. 

Here, we address our very personal relationships with ourselves, our sexuality, our creative genius and nature. Yet, we are not alone. Calling upon our belonging in community and landscape, your Courting the Wild Erotic journey is supported by a cohort whose stories resonate with your own. Your journey is also supported by your more-than-human kin and the wild world. These vital support systems are woven into teach step of this program, creating a grounded tapestry of resonance, safety, and strength. This sacred and nourishing container offers radical permission to show up in our vulnerability and authenticity, so that we may truly connect with each other and our deepest self. 

This program best serves those who feel the call to transform how they move through life, romancing a lifestyle that is more present, aligned with nature, and erotically liberated.

Courting the Wild Erotic is an embodied journey sprouting from the feminine (or yin) perspective, supporting the exploration of the Erotic for people who were socialized as women.

We welcome all women, as well as non-binary and gender non-conforming folks who are interested in exploring this perspective and connecting with the inner feminine.


    "I loved everything about Courting the Wild Erotic. I feel like I got permission from day one to dive really deep into all my wounds in a very non-scary way that brought beautiful results each and every week. I also feel very empowered to continue exploring the themes that surfaced for me as I continue working with the invitations and creating all the arty things ready to come out now. This experience has really profoundly benefited my healing journey and has unexpectedly been a catalyst for finally bringing in some more fun."


    "For those who want to be more more sensual, more joyful, more wild and more in touch with the divine feminine within, here is the opportunity. I have spent the past two years delving deeper into that soft, melty, juicy part of me and found this course to be another excellent stepping stone on that journey. In a world that values strength and ambition, Courting the Wild Erotic provides an experience and a community where we can surrender to our own femininity and embrace the power that comes from gentleness, compassion, grace and eroticism."


    "I have a deep appreciation for what I learned about myself and eros while taking this course. While much of the course was geared towards activities guided around the self, such as journaling and meditations, the written lessons were also full of information that was fascinating to read through while I sat by a fire. This program gave me a series of practices and ideas to use moving forward to continue learning about my creativity and eros. I learned where my creativity lives and how to harness it, as well as how to identify when it is being stifled and how to tap into it during such times. Jacqueline does an excellent job guiding her cohort members through the experience in a way that meets their needs and fits into their lives. Her dedication to the people in the course is clear, and she cared deeply about ensuring that each and every one of us felt heard and supported throughout."

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • I do not believe that "online course" does Courting the Wild Erotic justice, because above all else, it is an experiential journey.

    There are lessons incorporated into the online component & retreat that provide definitions, context to what we are doing, and why we are doing it. "Online course," however, implies a cerebral approach, or a traditional learning environment.

    I use the term "online journey" to describe this program because I am not interested in talking at you about dogma or teaching in a "traditional" classroom way.

    The realm of Eros is one that is nuanced, mysterious, taboo, poetic, sensual, and subtle. It is also an embodied, lived, and felt topic. I would be a fool to try to chop up such an animate force, as that would essentially take the erotic out of eros altogether.

    This is an embodied, spiraling  journey that goes beyond linear thinking, an exploration, and a direct dialogue with nature.

    I promise, you will learn a lot, but not in the way you may expect from your average online course.

  • This program encompasses the big picture of the erotic. There are a lot of programs, classes and retreats about the erotic— but most are focused on sexuality and pleasure. Which is fabulous, but limiting. Courting the Wild Erotic journeys through the erotic as the underlying force for our creative pursuits, and as a pathway to authenticity and purpose.

    Furthermore, Eros comes directly from Nature. Our greatest teacher on the erotic is the wild Earth. This program stands out in that each step of the way, there are specific invitations that ask you as a participant to be in direct relationship with the wild, learn from nature, and explore this powerful energy by engaging with the source of it. Nature is not just a tool, but the foundation on which the program is built.

    Finally, Courting the Wild Erotic is an experiential journey, meaning that while there are lessons, techniques and practices shared, the teachings come from your body, your imagination, your creative muse, and your lived experience. Rather than telling you what you should and shouldn't do or be, our approach is to be curious, invite you into deeper and deeper relationship with your experience of the Erotic, and to ask the right questions. Here, we facilitate self-trust by empowering you to listen closely to your inner wisdom.

  • Let me get one thing straight: All people are creative. Every single one of us. The unfortunate reality is that much like sexuality and sensualtiy, creativity tends to be repressed in "traditional" upbringings that require us to sit in classrooms and learn to regurgitate whatever the teacher tells us. a lucky percentage of us had the creative self nurtured, and thus grew up steeped in some of the more traditional "creative" pursuits such as writing, music, and visual art.

    However, you do NOT need to be an artist to be creative. Creativity can look like having an engaging conversation, decorating your house, creating an online course, or cooking dinner. It can also look like imagining a better world, or a more aligned version of yourself, and deciding to work toward that vision. Having a family? Arguably, the original form of creativity is making a baby. No matter who you are, you are creative.

    Sometimes, it just feels hard to access because we have been conditioned to believe that we are not creative. Plus, modernity asks us to live in ways that stifle creativity (and sensuality, and eroticism, and authenticity, etc...).

    This is important to pay attention to, and work with. Why? Because the world needs our imaginations, our creative expressions, and our self-realized purpose so that we can create a better world that is life-affirming.

    Creativity is a large component of this course because our sexual energy is also our creative life force energy. Our creativity, imagination, muse, and inner genius is too tightly linked to our aliveness, vitality, sexuality, sensuality and eroticism to ignore. In fact, it is quite beautiful that these two forces support each other.

    The more we heal our sexuality, the more we heal our creativity, and vice versa. The more we open the channels to creative and erotic expression, the closer we get to our purpose, authenticity, and soul-self. It is all connected.

  • Absolutely!! At Wild Wayfarer, we not only accept but embrace the perspectives of gender queer folks of all sexual orientations. We believe that you belong, and that your perspective enriches our cultural understanding of the Erotic.

    Gender identity is also an important topic to unpack in regard to this program, because the topic of our sexuality inherently requires us to acknowledge the ways in which gender and sex impacts it. For folks who do not fit into the binary of hetero-patriarchy, I want to offer some clarity on our approach so that you can feel confident about joining this program.

    Courting the Wild Erotic is designed to embrace and integrate the Feminine (or yin) aspect of the self in our approach, seeing the deep need for cultural and individual reclamation of this energy (regardless of gender or sex). It is also important to note that healing our relationship with the erotic requires us to look at how we have been culturally conditioned. This program centers around the experience of women and the unique ways in which they have been socialized, harmed and sexually repressed due to patriarchal constructs. That said, while there are thematic consistencies we address that many women face as a result of their socialization, it would be foolish to assume that only female-bodied women experience them. We acknowledge that the human experience is not black and white, which is why we take an experiential approach that welcomes the varied terrain of one's experiences with sexual and creative repression.

    I believe that this program can absolutely benefit trans women and non-binary folks who feel called to explore the Erotic from this perspective. I also hope that through open and welcomed conversations about the nuanced landscape of gender and queerness, this program can continue to become enriched by diverse perspectives.

  • Absolutely! Every single invitation in this program is designed to be sone solo. Courting the Wild Erotic deeply explores your personal relationship with the erotic. You do not need a partner or lover to complete this program.

  • Absolutely! This program focuses on your personal relationship with the Erotic. However, the benefits and outcomes of this program are guaranteed to have a ripple effect on your romantic and sexual relationships. What you embody and learn here will absolutely translate to how you approach partnered sex and romance.

Book a Discovery Call.

Still on the fence? Chat with your guide, Jacqueline, to learn more about the program and ask any questions you may have. Your discovery call is completely free of charge.