Snow Full Moon: A Ritual for Cultivating Worthiness and Belonging

Wild Woman resting in her inherent worth and belonging for the February snow full moon in Leo.

Drishti Photo.

As we step into the first full moon of the lunar year, we are invited to lay the foundation for the wild and beautiful life we long to create for ourselves over the next year. The Snow Moon (February 12th) illuminates our inner landscape, bringing the stories we have carried about worth to the surface to look at more closely.

Self-worth is foundational. Not the “worth” that we were conditioned to believe must be proven, but the kind that is inherently present in each moment of life simply because we BELONG. Without a strong foundation that connects us to our sense of inherent worthiness, we are more likely to abandon ourselves in moments of uncertainty. When we deeply trust in our own worth, we move through life with resilience, clarity, and a sense of belonging to both ourselves and the greater world. Worthiness is not something we earn—it is something we embody simply by existing. This full moon, I invite you to question the narratives that base worth on achievement, productivity, and external validation.

This is how we re-wild: By questioning the systems that seek to make us small, powerless, unworthy, and other. By cultivating sovereignty, self-trust and self-knowledge. By letting go of our need for external validation to connect with a felt sense of self worth.

The proud mountains do not shrink themselves to be more palatable. The trees do not seek approval to root deeply into the soil. The rivers do not apologize for tumbling over rocks and carving though landscapes toward the laughing sea. All of nature takes up space in its own wild belonging.

This inquiry into self-worth is not about building something new; it is about excavating the layers of conditioning, fear, and self-doubt that have obscured what has been there all along. Our worthiness is a relationship to nourish.

Where have we internalized the idea that we must work harder, be more, or prove ourselves in order to deserve love, respect, or rest?This full moon gives us a chance to release this cultural conditioning (usually coming from America’s roots in white supremacy, patriarchy, toxic capitalism, puritanism and domination culture) that insists on our “worthiness” arising from our achievements, what others can receive from us, what we can produce, and how well we fit into the status quo.

This week, we step into our inherent and unconditional worthiness. This week, we step into belonging.

The Archetype of the Inner Mother

The journey toward worthiness is not one of constructing something new but of nurturing what has always been within us. The archetype of the inner mother—the nurturing adult, the wise parent, the eternal Gaia—are resources that we can turn to to connect with our sense of worthiness and belonging. They remind us that we are enough, just as we are. The Mother Archetype is the queen of unconditional love and acceptance: the part of you who knows innately how to give and receive this particular type of love. Even if you do not have a positive relationship with your biological/external parents, the inner mother / nurturing adult is a force reflected by the wild Earth. The invitation is to feel into your relationship with “mother” as nature presents her. The feeling of being held by Earth’s gravity. The sensation of fertile soil beneath your feet, the sturdy trunk of a tree behind your back, the emotion of gratitude upon being well fed by the food grown by the Earth and the Sun, in cahoots with one another to sustain life on this planet.

Here are the nuts and bolts of connecting with worthiness and belonging: to truly open oneself to that particular love that is always accessible to us through the ground beneath our feet. If nature is the ultimate mother, and the foundation upon which we understand the meaning of worth, the holy wild mirrors the house of our belonging in the form of soft beds made of moss and nourishment from wild flowing water and the life it spreads in its wake.

A Moon Ritual for Worthiness & Belonging

1. Create your Space: Clean your space so that your nervous system can relax. Create an altar and light a candle. Take 10-20 breaths in silence, allowing the entirety of who you are to fully arrive.

2. Grounding Meditation: Find a quiet space to sit or lie down. Close your eyes. Imagine roots growing from the base of your spine or the soles of your feet, connecting you to the earth. With each inhale, imagine drinking in Earth Mother’s unconditional love. Feel into your belonging to her, belonging in the body and upon the earth. With each exhale, send gratitude into the Earth through your roots, sharing your own love with the land.

3. Journaling Prompts:

  • In what areas of my life do I seek external validation to feel worthy? What would shift if I fully trusted my inherent worth?

  • What are three things I deeply love about myself that have nothing to do with my achievements or what I do for others?

  • How does my body feel when I believe in my inherent belonging?

  • What can I do daily to nurture a sense of self-worth without external validation?

  • How can I practice taking up space unapologetically in my daily life? What would it feel like to move through the world as if I fully belong?

  • If I no longer had to prove my worth, what would change in how I show up in the world?

4. Release & Reclaim Ceremony: Write down a limiting belief about your worth that you are ready to release. Safely burn or bury the paper as a symbol of letting go. Then, write a statement of belonging—one that affirms your worth without conditions. Speak it aloud under the moonlight.


Waking Up: A Ritual for the New Moon in Pisces